Unknown On Thursday 18 December 2014

When releasing a new media product, it is very important for you to know your audience (creating a profile). You should consider who your audience are and what they like, this was you can plan how you will catch their attention, planning what you can say is a very good way of presenting but you must make sure it does not sound overly scripted, otherwise your audience may lose interest, keep it interesting for your consumers so they do not become bored and stop listening before you have explained everything. Educating the consumers on the specific product is key, they may not know much about the product (if there are similar ones already on the market). Once you have profiled them, the interests the consumers have are what you need to consider and try to suit this audience to the best you can via their interests.

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  1. Thanks for sharing your info. I really appreciate your efforts and I will be waiting for your further write ups thanks once again.
    Consumer Research | Startup Profiling
