Unknown On Saturday 6 December 2014

When you are holding an interview/creating a questionnaire, you have to think about who the audience are that you are targeting to decide which questions suit the questionnaire or interview the best, you can have closed questions and also open questions. There is a huge difference between both types of these questions, so therefore when you are conducting either of these things (questionnaire/interview) you need to consider which type will suit what information you need better. The difference is that a closed question can be answered with a short response, so either a short phrase or a key word for example if you were to use a closed question it could be:

  • Where do you live?
  • Are you enjoying the weather?
  • What time is it?
For an open question, it is more often answered with a long sentence, they ask someone to think and reflect on what was just asked, meaning they can give their opinions on the matter. Therefore the control of the conversation is in the respondents hands. These types of questions could also be:

  • How do you focus on your work?
  • What is your favourite hobby and why do you enjoy it?
  • Why is that so important to you?

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