Unknown On Thursday 20 November 2014

Newspaper publishers use a lot of secondary research from journalists, they find this information from various different sources or they can use primary research (e.g. interviews, focus groups etc.) As with any research, it has to be examined carefully to make sure that it is accurate. 

A newspaper is information that is printed onto A3 sized paper, very similar to a magazine in its format, but not size. There are many types of newspapers, these all can give different information so it is not all printed into one paper as it would contain a lot of information. There are daily and also monthly newspapers available from loads of different places. The two main types of newspapers that are seen a lot more than others are:

  • Broadsheets
  • Tabloid newspapers
A broadsheet is a newspaper with a large format, this type of paper is more of a serious type unlike tabloid papers. The content in a broadsheet is based all on information instead of pictures being used, reports in broadsheets are also more thoroughly researched and edited than other newspapers. It is also the largest newspaper you can currently buy, in my opinion broadsheets are better for researching/studying information as the news in these papers are more researched, therefore this could mean they are then more accurate. A tabloid newspaper is the most popular type of newspapers, the types of newspapers you will find in a tabloid format are The Sun, these types of newspapers are smaller in size and therefore easier to read. 

Example of a Broadsheet

Example of a Tabloid newspaper

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