Unknown On Thursday 20 November 2014

  1. An internet forum, is an online discussion on a particular site where people can hold conversations and post messages, they are different to chat room as they are typically longer responses, generally they are archived for a certain amount of time. Members in a chat room typically chat all at the same time, but members of a discussion group post messages that are sometimes read later on, these forums also tend to be more focused on one particular topic. This type of forum may also be called a message board, bulletin board, web forum and also it can be called a discussion group. A forum normally allows all users to make a post and start a new topic. Before you are usually aloud to post a comment/start a new topic, you are asked to register so that you can agree to certain rules to go along with using the forum, these are normally to respect other members of the group and to refrain from using offensive language.

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