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- Qualititative Research: Fanzine websites
A fanzine (zine is short for magazine) is a nonprofessional/nonofficial publication that is produced by the fans that have a certain interest in something, this is viewed by people who share the same interest, it allows them to discuss this certain interest. The most popular ones are sport and music genre fanzines. It was first popularized in science fiction fandom (October 1940 by Russ Chauvenet), then it became more popular within other genre's on interest.
This website is a fanzine that is dedicated to Johnny Cash, it provides links to sites that you can purchase DVD's, CD's and books and viewing e-books and everything else that pretty much involves Johnny Cash. This is one of the many fanzines that has been created, this is quite a basic one. Fanzine websites can either be set up in the style of an online magazine, or a blog type webpage.
You also have some science fiction, sports and other music artist based fanzines. On further research of fanzines, I found a book fanzine, for free you can download 44 pages of this collection of fanzines all put together by a group called 'Boy's Own'. This book contains 440 pages of the acid house culture – the slang used, some of the parties in this culture, the tunes that were played (maybe even named and shamed as some people would look back in complete shame), the humor of these events and everything surrounding it. It is dated from 1986-1992. It has also been called "The village newspaper of acid house!" http://www.djhistory.com//books/boysown