Interpreting results

Saturday 21 March 2015
Posted by Unknown
When you have completed research, you then must analyse what exactly you found and interpret the results you found. It is very easy to misinterpret any data you find and/or try to make the results you collected fit to what you need when it may not completely suit what you did actually need to collect. 

You have to consider what information you are actually revealing and is there information that is standard for this type of research? Is it different to other research already conducted or found by someone else? Do any of your results not add up to what you thought you would originally find or do they suit what you needed? If they don't, you obviously need to consider whether or not the questions may have been misunderstood or that the question was not suited to the actual information, when considering all of these points is there anything you would next time do differently?

When conducting my research I made sure that all of my answers were suited to the questions I was answering. For example, when researching purposes of research I made sure I completely understood what elements made up this part of research and then completed each element so that the purposes of research could be fully understood.

Another crucial part of the whole pre-production process is finding a location, looking around for the best one you can find is most likely the best way to find the most suitable way to find the perfect location for your production process.

Having a crew and equipment out at a location for a long period of time could become very expensive, so making sure that you have talented people on your location for your production can maximize how much of the whole production you can get done in a shorter amount of time, the location needs to be suited for your production and health and safety checks are a necessity to undertake as soon as possible. Securing permission from the owners of the property is key to making sure that you have the perfect location. A location recce will also need to be produced during the pre-production process so that can also help insure the location is completely suitable for what you will be doing.

The location recce will help with the production schedule creation as you will know how far the location is, the access to the location, if or not there is an accessible power supply and also any problems with the weather that could affect your production. The details from your recce need to be recorded on a location visit sheet and then placed with your production schedule so that all of this information is communicated to all of the people who will need to know.

When it comes to sourcing people for a media production, it is a very important aspect of the overall pre-production process and insuring that your production team is the correct size group for the whole job and that each member is right for each aspect of the job is crucial, their knowledge, skills and experience must have an equal balance, so that each person can be suited to one particular job. You must asses the initial level of skill presented by each member of your team to be able to plan what skills may need more of a development and how you plan to increase their skills if needed.

The process of identifying the level of skill of each team member will also help you to find out whether or not you will need support from people other than your own team/another facility for a specific part of the production. 

Technological resources are what people need to complete a job, the standard resources for technology are:

  • People
  • The correct information
  • Suitable materials
  • Specific tools
  • Energy
  • Capital
  • Time
Any type of technology tends to use these seven resources when and as they apply to the specific areas they are needed.
Technological resources can be things such as:
  • Software
  • A certain design
  • Music
  • Text
These resources are owned like physical resources are and they are generally known as intellectual property. Intellectual property laws allow people to own and have the right over their own ideas.

Purposes of research: Finance/Costs

Friday 19 December 2014
Posted by Unknown
Finance is what will cover the funding of your particular product, then the producer will have to decide where and how these costs will be spent, an understanding of your budget will need to be concluded before any production can begin so the company can avoid over spending or spending the budget somewhere else that isn't as needed as another element. This will then enable the producer to track where and how their funding constantly, when considering the elements of the product/service you are creating the budgeting is a major part of all of this, without a budget it is very unlikely that the video would be successful, the money could be spent without a purpose leading to it not being so useful. 

Placement media (product placement) is when a particular product is discussed/shown in a media related concept. Product placement has become more popular for advertising products whilst the media and television are developing. Companies may decide they would like to place their product into a showing of a new movie so it is seen by the general public, then maybe talked about afterwards so the word is spread. Product placement can benefit the business, this form of advertisement can be very useful and it is a small fee, the media department of the particular business will discuss and come to an agreement of how the product will be presented and where. Audience and market research will be completed and this will help the media department come to a conclusion of costs etc. 

This will then help the business decide if the way the product is displayed, what kind of income will be made, then a rough budget can be made. The time of year that your product is released could also define how much of a profit will be made back, around the Christmas period, there could be more of an income available.

When thinking about viability, it means that things are capable of being completed in a practical/useful manor, so when creating a music video you will have to consider whether or not you will have/do currently have the right resources and materials that you will need to create what you are, you will also have to consider if it is too difficult and whether or not you will actually be able to complete it, if not you may have to re think segments of the idea or the whole entire idea completely. All of your ideas have to be practical/realistic, these ideas must be throughly thought through and checked before any real plans can go ahead, or you could end up wasting a lot of time and or money on ideas that do not end up working out the way you wanted or do not fit in with the music video in the end. Also coming up with a contingency plan/s is a good move, the music video not working out could happen and having a backup or even a few could come in great use.

When you think about content in production research, involving media I personally think about creating your own product. For example, if creating a music video I need to develop my understanding of the content in a music video, so for this I would need to plan what I want my music video to be like and what I would like it to contain. To do so, I could look at other music videos that are of a similar genre to mine, then gather some ideas from what content these contain. If it were a general music producer, they can do this also and find out before hand how to use their resources in a better manner before filming it, therefore this will eliminate the little mistakes and save some filming time which could also save some money, the producer can develop their understand on the popular shots for this genre they are working with and then include these shots/camera movements in their music video.

Advertising is a form of paid communication that is created to communicate a specific product or service through the use of text/sound and imagery, it is a form of persuasive communication that provides information about the particular product or service by the advertiser. The primary objective of advertisement is to persuade a consumer, this can be achieved in various ways. The ultimate objective of advertising is to be persuasive and creative in the manor of trying to sell your companies product or service, it is trying to persuade your consumers that they should buy your product.

These adverts could also be placed to raise funds for a charity, finding volunteers and or to influence the audience to try and do something, this could be an ad for stopping smoking.

Purposes of research: Advertising placements

Thursday 18 December 2014
Posted by Unknown
An ad placement is a group of specific advert units, this then allows the advertiser to place their ads using placement targeting. Advert placements can cover a very large area, this could be an entire website or it could also be a specific ad unit. Advertising is a paid way of marketing persuasive information about a particular product or service, these can be through channels that are popular that will then promote good services, products or ideas. The ads need to be bold and stand out so that they catch your audiences attention, hiding them in a corner may lead to them being missed, so the bigger and bolder is the better for an ad.

Competitive analysis is a critical part of a companies marketing plan, with the information collected after the analysis is completed the company can decide what makes their particular product/service unique if there are similar products available on the market, then after this is decided the company can decide what parts of this will attract their audience. Competitors can be evaluated by being put into specific groups based on how they compete for a share of the income, listing each competitors able profit, their marketing objectives, their products or services, their growth pattern, marketing objectives, their strengths and weaknesses and the size of their sales.
Competition is the fight between companies that produce the same products/services with a particular income goal. These companies like to strive to increase their sales volume by considering and using the 4 main components of the market, these are called the four p's (price, product, promotion, and place). For the company to succeed in the competitive market, they must have a thorough understanding of the competition, therefore they have to have knowledge of who the current competition is when this product of service is released, other companies could see your product and then lower their price, so knowing who you're competition is, is very important to succeed, this means having to stay in the know of their products and prices.
The product market is where products/particular services are sold to households, the money that the households spend on these services or products is returned to the particular business as an income. The regulation of a product market means that there are economic restrictions in the market. The creators must insure that they build a portfolio of knowledge on the market, the consumers and the current competitors in the market. To have a successful market, having a different sales tactic may encourage consumers to buy from you instead of a different company with a similar product, these procedures must still remain clear on what specifically they are trying to sell to you. 

When releasing a new media product, it is very important for you to know your audience (creating a profile). You should consider who your audience are and what they like, this was you can plan how you will catch their attention, planning what you can say is a very good way of presenting but you must make sure it does not sound overly scripted, otherwise your audience may lose interest, keep it interesting for your consumers so they do not become bored and stop listening before you have explained everything. Educating the consumers on the specific product is key, they may not know much about the product (if there are similar ones already on the market). Once you have profiled them, the interests the consumers have are what you need to consider and try to suit this audience to the best you can via their interests.

Consumer attitudes consist of thoughts of beliefs, feelings and the intentions towards a certain thing/product. You could have a good attitude towards your favorite movie actor, this would mean that when this particular movie actor you may buy this film just because this person plays in it, before actually viewing a trailer etc because you will believe this film will be amazing due to that person being present. So when trying to sell a product, you must be aware of what your audience is interested in, this is why it is key to target a particular audience and not just any group of people, this group may be selected by age, gender, ethnicity etc. After the target audience has been briefly chosen, you can then decide how you will influence the choice of these people. Then you can see if any improvements need to be made on this product whilst keeping the consumers in mind.