Unknown On Saturday 21 March 2015

Another crucial part of the whole pre-production process is finding a location, looking around for the best one you can find is most likely the best way to find the most suitable way to find the perfect location for your production process.

Having a crew and equipment out at a location for a long period of time could become very expensive, so making sure that you have talented people on your location for your production can maximize how much of the whole production you can get done in a shorter amount of time, the location needs to be suited for your production and health and safety checks are a necessity to undertake as soon as possible. Securing permission from the owners of the property is key to making sure that you have the perfect location. A location recce will also need to be produced during the pre-production process so that can also help insure the location is completely suitable for what you will be doing.

The location recce will help with the production schedule creation as you will know how far the location is, the access to the location, if or not there is an accessible power supply and also any problems with the weather that could affect your production. The details from your recce need to be recorded on a location visit sheet and then placed with your production schedule so that all of this information is communicated to all of the people who will need to know.

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